Odd thoughts, quirky ramblings, random pictures, and the latest in quirky finds from across the web, QJ has a little something for everyone.

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PJC--I Wanna Fit on Your Thumbnail

Yep, they're a dying breed, but not just because they're so tiny, unfortunately. Here's the caption:

A Gardiner's Seychelles frog rests on a thumb in this undated handout. A giant Chinese salamander that predates Tyrannosaurus rex and the world's smallest frog are among a group of extremely rare amphibians identified by scientists as being in need of urgent help to survive.
Taken from Yahoo and the link will become broken rather quickly, so why bother?
There's a lot involved with why so many animals are dying off, so I won't even get started on it. Instead, can you imagine sitting on the edge of a thumbnail like that? What would the world look like?

~Edit~ This 'was' posted yesterday, but I'd changed the date incorrectly from when I saved the draft, so it didn't show in the right place...oops!

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