Odd thoughts, quirky ramblings, random pictures, and the latest in quirky finds from across the web, QJ has a little something for everyone.

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I'm posting mostly over at Quirky Cookery right now, where I play with my food and teach you to have fun with it, too. Come check me out?

Now if only I could do this...

Then I could qualify as quirky on an entirely new level.

Ching Ya said...

oh gosh..that's funny. ha.. I wonder if I can do that.. hmm...

Dear Jess, as my appreciation for you commenting on my blog, I did a linklove for your blog. Thanks again for your support. =) Take care.

Unknown said...

Jessi, I think you know that we already think you are quirky and you really don't have to learn how to do that to be more quirky. I think you should leave your lips the way they are.

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