Odd thoughts, quirky ramblings, random pictures, and the latest in quirky finds from across the web, QJ has a little something for everyone.

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I'm posting mostly over at Quirky Cookery right now, where I play with my food and teach you to have fun with it, too. Come check me out?

Where, oh where, has Quirky Jessi gone?

Wow, where have I been? I just can't seem to get caught up and now that I've been sick for a bit, I'm even further behind again. I've only posted once all month, and that's not like me at all. Gah! First things first, I agreed to do a review for Smooth Away hair removal product, and I'm about two weeks late doing it now. Yikes!

Long ago, I told FuelMyBlog that I'd be willing to review products occasionally, in exchange for getting the product for free. There's no payment and I'm not obligated to give a positive or negative review. Getting paid and/or having to lie one way or another is completely against what I do here, so I wouldn't even bother.

Many, many months later, long after I'd already forgotten that I signed up for it, I got an email, asking if I wanted to review a "revolutionary waxing product." Hmmm....sure, why not? I've shaved, I've waxed, I've plucked, I've ignored.....why not try something else? If nothing else, I figured it'd be of some comic value, similar to way back when I tried out a homemade banana facial mask and blogged about it. It's been almost 2 years since I did anything like that and would like to bring back some of the personal touch to Quirky Jessi again.

Okay, okay, I'm rambling. I doubt the Smooth Away people really care why the heck I'm doing a review, right? I think I'll give them their own post, coming right up in a while. ;-)

Staci Loalbo said...

ooo that sounds fun, but what happens if you get some kind of funkie rash? lol

fairyhedgehog said...

Are you still sick or are you better now? What was wrong?

I don't like to think of you being ill.

Jessi said...

I'm getting better now, although still not back to my quirky self. Nothing too major was wrong....just got hit with a virus of some sort that left me not being able to move much and not being able to really swallow more than a sip or two here and there (which of course meant, I struggled to even get liquids in me, so it was painful to try to get myself better). Now I'm too a point of just feeling like a have a rough cold....sore throat, headaches, cough, etc, but it's completely tolerable, so I'm okay. It just took me by surprise and swooped in within the span of a couple hours, so there was no warning or me trying to heed it off before it knocked me off my feet.

Thanks for asking and I'll be back here, posting in no time at all! I hope anyway, lol.

fairyhedgehog said...

When you're not around I assume you're busy - not ill! It sounds dreadful. I'm glad you're on the mend again but having a rough cold is no joke either.

Do take care of yourself.

Jessi said...

I'm trying to! I swear I've slept (albeit, uncomfy and sporadic) on and off for the last three days. And now that I can swallow without wanting to die, I'm drinking everything good for me that I can, lol. I'm working on it. :D

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