Hey guys, it's time for another giveaway. Actually, over the upcoming months, I have several different giveaways, including an Asian dining set, some cookbooks, flash drives, and a few other various goodies.
For now, though, we'll kick-off my giveaway spree with a subscription (12 issues, once a month) to Better Homes and Gardens. It seems like BHG has been around for forever and a day, and even though many magazines are going under as the internet takes over, they seem to be holding up pretty good. Actually, I just checked, and it seems they've been going at it since 1922. Holy cow, they'll be coming up on their 100 year anniversary before they know it.Part of the reason I'm doing all these upcoming giveaways is to go along with the release of my newest silly site, Quirky Cookery (hence the cooking-related products later). I've been working on it for a while and I think most of you will love it. It's so much fun and basically, all about me playing with my food. You'll find my quirky creations there, along with interesting recipes I'm trying out, wacky products, tons of pictures, stories and more.
Exciting, huh? But let's get you guys to the giveaway for now, considering that's why most people will see this. ;)
Required entry: Comment below. (Comments are open and you can comment anonymously, but I need a valid email address or I won't be able to contact you if you're a winner.)
Ways to get more entries:
(For each entry, please leave a separate comment below letting me know what you did. If you're already a subscriber, just leave a comment saying so. If you follow me on Twitter or tweet about the contest, tell me your username in a new comment.)
-- Subscribe to Quirky Jessi (lots of ways....using RSS, through Blogger, or even by email)
-- Subscribe to Quirky Cookery
-- Comment on Quirky Cookery (any post is fine, just remember to come back and tell me you commented here for the contest; can be done up to 3 times total for 3 separate entries)
-- Follow me on Twitter (Quirky Jessi) and tweet about the contest (can be done twice a day for multiple entries)
-- Blog about the contest (link back to this post and leave the URL in comments below)
-- Talk about this giveaway somewhere else -- up to 2 separate entries (post on a forum? use Facebook? another site you love? just be sure to leave the link in the comments)
Remember to put each entry in a separate comment so they'll all be counted. :)
~Contest ends at midnight EST, August 22. I need to have your address sent to me by the 23rd. Sorry, contest only open to US residents....unless you want to pay an additional $12 plus 6% GST or 14% HST in Canada~
I already subscribe to QJ via Google Reader. does that count?
Subscribed to QC via Google Reader.
and commented on peanut butter post. Although I still will have to try the spaghetti and hotdog thing. I think my kids would love it (i hope)
Yep, if you're already a subscriber, it counts. Just leave a separate comment like you. :)
Hi QJ, this is my first time to your site, I'm excited to keep following!
Thanks for offering this prize! I love magazines!
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