Odd thoughts, quirky ramblings, random pictures, and the latest in quirky finds from across the web, QJ has a little something for everyone.

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I'm posting mostly over at Quirky Cookery right now, where I play with my food and teach you to have fun with it, too. Come check me out?

Simple PacMan gif.....around and around and around

Many of you are out shopping your butts off at Black Friday sales. Others are entertaining family or in turkey overload still. And then there are the handful that will be online and stumble across my post. Today's game tidbit is really simple. So simple that it doesn't seem worth a post of its own.

Then I snap back to reality and realize that I've gotten caught up in staring at the lovely lights going 'round and 'round for far too long, and can't help but find the hypnotic effect strange. Weeee.....

1 comments so far. What are your thoughts?
Emily/Randomability said...

Pretty... Just what I need for the post eating stupor. something mesmerizing.

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