Odd thoughts, quirky ramblings, random pictures, and the latest in quirky finds from across the web, QJ has a little something for everyone.

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I'm posting mostly over at Quirky Cookery right now, where I play with my food and teach you to have fun with it, too. Come check me out?

Close Your Eyes....

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Is that not cool? In my search for 'quirky' photos for the last entry, I hit this. I thought I'd find more that jumped out, but on this particular site, it was just a bunch of other Photoshopped pictures that we've all seen variations of before. I've never seen one like this at all, though! I just had to pass it on....

1 comments so far. What are your thoughts?
Anonymous said...

"pink elephants and lemonade, dear Jessi hear the laughter running through the love parade, candy kisses and a sunny day, dear Jessi see the roses raining on the love parade"

Just wanted to say I love this blog.

P.S. That song was so beautiful it always made me cry. I know, I'm a freak, but it did. :)

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