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My Little Squirrel Monkey

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Orphaned squirrel monkey Loki clings to his toy duck at Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia, in this Jan. 19, 2006, file photo. Loki, who lost his mother shortly after birth eight weeks ago, has been hand raised by zoo staff and will be introduced to the rest of the Squirrel Monkey's when once he is weaned and learns to regulate his body temperature.
That's me! No, really. Remember when I compared my mother to a dog who raised pumas? Well, I'm currently acting as a toy duck until the dog can continue. The clinging is what reminds me because my little one has been clinging to me like crazy while the others are gone. She will be reintroduced to the wild in a few weeks, but for now, I'm the duck and she's my little squirrel monkey. Awww...

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