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Gumball Machine Belt Buckle

Long story short:

  1. Person says he/she doesn't like food blogs.
  2. HAWK says said person won't be visiting my blog because of my (at the time, most current) post about popcorn s'mores.
  3. I retaliate about how I'm not a food blog.
  4. HAWK notices my next post is about gum/mint keychains.
  5. I retaliate again how I post more about products than food.
  6. I want to be silly and retaliate further by posting yet another "food"-related product post (Gum isn't food anyway! Hehe).
This one's for you, Hawk. ;-)

The image above is of the Gumball Machine Belt Buckle. For $13.99 + shipping, this bad boy can be yours.....but just the buckle, so don't forget to make sure you have a belt to attach it to (and if you don't, the site offers those, too).

The great thing about this is that it's refillable. Virginia Lee brought up a good point in the comments about the gum/mint keychains---if they don't taste good or they don't have a special attribute (like being organic), then people won't buy them.

I don't know if the mint keychain is easily refillable, but I'm pretty sure the gum one would be difficult to. These belt buckles can be refilled with your own favorite gum balls, though, so it's totally versatile. Add just one or two colors to match your outfit perfectly or mix it up to add a splash of color and quirkiness to the simplest of outfits.

Now my question is, how many people actually want to wear their gum? I suppose if they have a gum addiction, this could be just right for them....

Anonymous said...

You could fill it up with Peanut M & M's or Whoppers or Lemonheads!!! How Cool is that!!

Jessi said...

That's exactly what I was thinking! I thought it was kind of fun and know a few people who would probably wear it often if they got a hold of it, hehe. I'm keeping it in mind for Christmas!

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