Odd thoughts, quirky ramblings, random pictures, and the latest in quirky finds from across the web, QJ has a little something for everyone.

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I'm posting mostly over at Quirky Cookery right now, where I play with my food and teach you to have fun with it, too. Come check me out?

Thought Bubble Hair Barrettes---Always Listen to Your Pig-Puppet


Time for more linky love!

Always Listen to Your Pig-Puppet

Wait. Before I get going, I have to tell you that the only reason I even started reading this blog was based solely on the name of the site. I have a friend who goes by the name of "Mudpuppet," and it has always made me giggle....so when I heard that I should I always listen to my *Pig*Puppet, I immediately linked to it. I never did show my friend, but I've been reading it ever since.

Anywho, she recently posted about thought bubble haircilps and I found them quirky-worthy. There are several of them here so check 'em out yourself to find some that suit you.

Arachne Jericho said...

I think the Pig-Puppet is from Wolves in the Wall, right? I seem to recall that....

The thought-bubble barrettes are... unique. :)

Crimzen Creative said...

I like the "I'm such a nerd" thought-bubble barrette! And for only $4 bucks, I might just have to sport one.
Michelle (not to be confused with Jessica or Stephanie!)

Emily/Randomability said...

Hi Jessi,

I've been tagged for another meme and thought I'd tag you now. Don't worry, it's kind of fun.

Patriot said...

Ha! Too funny! Thanks for coming by and entering - I hope you have an incredible start to 2008!

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