Odd thoughts, quirky ramblings, random pictures, and the latest in quirky finds from across the web, QJ has a little something for everyone.

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I'm posting mostly over at Quirky Cookery right now, where I play with my food and teach you to have fun with it, too. Come check me out?

Gone Nuts...Everybody's Nuts!

Okay, so they're pistachios, hehe. And yes, those are real googly eyes that will move and wiggle. For 10 bucks, that cutie is all yours! Maybe "cutie" isn't the right word, of course, but you get the idea.

You can also get him on t-shirts, hats, and in a viewfinder toy.....and they also sell pistachios in various varieties, but that's the least quirky part about it. Check out the rest of the site to see flying martian pistachios and read really weird answers to simple questions.

1 comments so far. What are your thoughts?
Crimzen Creative said...

All I can say is "I'd like a box of everybody's nuts". Hehe...this was a fun site. Where do you find these quirky things?

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