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Things our grandkids will never understand

Things our grandkids will never undrestand: analog clocks, cursive writing, VCRs, and newspapers

And today's kids are already wondering why we're even mentioning these at all.

Lemon Stand said...

You forgot the "tethered" phone in the kitchen, typewriters, onion skin papter, re-fillable soda and milk bottles, pre-computer days, pre calculator days, pre-microwave days, pre-dishwasher days and pre-remote control days... my kids refer to this as the dark ages

fairyhedgehog said...

my kids refer to this as the dark ages

It was!

I'm 55 and I enjoy all the things that we didn't have when I was younger. I think being born in the dark ages gives me more appreciation of computers etc. than my kids have.

Emily/Randomability said...

Rotary dial phones
VHS or Betamax
Casettes (recording songs from the radio) High speed dubbing...

Amy K. said...

My daughters are learning to tell time via pictures of analog clocks, and they do still teach cursive in their school as well. Well... back in my day, they called it: "script." :P

Jen on the Edge said...

I work with college students and they'd have the same reaction.

Quirky Jessi said...

Even if they know what they are, by the time they're 50, they'll be telling their kids "back in my day" stories about them.

. said...

Hey Jessi, Rookie from Bloggeries here. I'm 19 and I know cursive handwriting (I'm probably the only one in my whole school who knows cursive handwriting). But yeah, I doubt my grand kids would know it. Great posts!

Quirky Jessi said...

Thanks for stopping by, John! Kids are still being taught cursive here, too, but I don't know when they'll ever really use it later because everything is typed now!

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